
Monday, September 6

Must Be Nice

Don’t get me wrong, here. I LOVE being married to such a talented man. I do. But sometimes Rush makes me feel like a dumb, worthless hobo. For example: I have been searching for a job to NO AVAIL for, I dunno, like 7 months? I have sent my resume to almost 50 legitimate openings. At first I was just going for early childhood education but then I got desperate and started applying for desk jobs at salons, cashier jobs at restaurants, and even a traveling balloon artist position (I actually have an interview for that one today… fingers crossed!)

My lovely husband, on the other hand, obviously already has a full-time job. AND YET when he made his first Facebook status update in yyyyyyeeeearssssssss, he INSTANTLY gets an e-mail to our joint account asking him to be in a film! OH MY GOSH!! I swear I’m not bitter.

Endless rant abated, shameless plug ahead – if anyone, anyone at all, has, knows of, or is inventing a job opening that A) I’m qualified for {i.e. no candle-smell tester} and B) I could do every day without slitting my wrists {i.e. no saxophone-sound approver} SEND IT ON! I’ve gotta get out of this apartment and start bringing home some moolah!!


  1. Hang in there Emily. The right job will come along for you. How did the balloon artist interview go?

  2. Oh how I miss your stories and crazy rants!! As I was reading this I could hear you saying it and see your hands going!
